Year 3 2024 - 2025

Welcome to the Year 3 web page!

Below is an outline of what Year 3 will be covering this half term:

Mathematics – We will be learning about length and perimeter, fractions as well as mass and capacity.

Literacy – We will be reading and learning about about information texts and persausive writing linked to our Extreme Earth unit focusing on the book ‘Earthshattering Events!: The Science Behind Natural Disasters’.

R.E. – We will answer the Big Question ‘What’s the use of energy?!’ as we learn about Pentecost.

Science – The children we will be learning about Animals including Humans.

Art – We will be learning to use charcoal in response to prompts from Extreme Earth.

Geography – Learning about natural disasters through our unit Extreme Earth.

Music – We will be listening to and composing songs inspired by peace, hope and unity in our unit Bringing Us Together.

Computing – We will be using computers to present our work in different ways.

PSHCE – We will be learning about Growing and changing.

P.E. – Learning how to link different movements together in our volcanoes dance unit and athletics in our outdoor P.E. lessons with Mr. Mee.


Children will be given homework every Friday to be completed for the following Thursday. If your child is unable to complete their homework at home, they can complete it in school during lunchtimes.  Their homework will consist of the following each week: a literacy or comprehension exercise, a maths exercise, spellings and their reading book. 

In addition, the children will also receive a challenge based on their history and geography units for the term which can be completed over the half term. 

Create a model or poster of a natural disaster they have researched at home. Create a painting of themselves. Create a picture of themselves using more than one media.
Think of and research a song about peace, hope or unity Create a fact file about a natural disaster. Create a factfile about a disaster such as a volcano that you have researched
A poster to explain fractions A week of diary entries. Choose an animal to research and create a factfile.


P.E. kits

Children will need their P.E. kits every Monday and Thursday. The children need to come into school wearing their P.E. kits on these days. On Mondays, the children will need a PE kit for indoor games – a plain white t-shirt and black or blue shorts – so they may wear shorts underneath their tracksuit bottoms on these days. 

On Thursdays, they need to be wearing the correct P.E. kit for outdoor games – trainers, a plain white t-shirt, black or blue shorts (or plain tracksuit bottoms and top when it gets colder). 

The children must also make sure on these days they do not have any jewellery on (e.g. earrings, necklaces, watches) as these must be removed before a P.E. lesson.

If you have any questions about Year 3 please arrange to speak to Mr. Hoskin after school at the school office. 


Thank you for your continued support,

Mr. Hoskin, Mr Scrivner and Mr Yau

Year 3: Gallery items

There are no Gallery items to display