Healthy Minds
At St Anne’s we follow myHappymind from Early Years through to Year 6. This is a child-friendly, complete mental health curriculum. Its mission is to give today’s children the skills to thrive in tomorrow’s world. The program equips children with preventative strategies in order to give them the skills and the tools to thrive.

A further tool to enhance our curriculum is our cross curricular PSHCE and Citizenship programme – ‘Go-Givers’. Its aim is to raise standards across the curriculum by stimulating children’s imaginations, developing empathy and providing opportunities for critical thinking and problem solving.
The programme:
is about developing caring and concerned young citizens with the confidence and skills to make a difference to their communities, both locally and globally. Go-Givers helps children understand how societies function and provides opportunities for them to imagine unfamiliar situations and explore attitudes beyond their own. They learn how they can take action in a meaningful way to make the world a better place.
learning covers the following themes: Health & Well-being, Relationships, Living in the Wider World and British Values.
In the summer term our children also learn through the Manchester Healthy Schools Partnership programme: ‘Growing and Changing’. This helps children to learn about keeping themselves healthy and safe as well as learning about how our bodies change as we get older. As part of this unit of work, the school also uses the Barnardo’s resource: “Real Love Rocks” to address issues around grooming and child sexual exploitation.