Reading across our school
Reading at St. Anne’s
We want our school to be a place that gives children the opportunity to become curious and excitable life-long readers. We have spent the beginning of the year transforming our school library, ready for our next step in reading as we begin our reading passports and let books transport us across the globe! Our reading ambassadors have been helping us to rehome our old books to make space for our new.
Our children are enjoying story time in school and have been recommending stories to each other through our new Netflix-inspired display on the corridors. We are reading as a class and in a whole class read, building up our familiarity of genres and book styles.
Reading partnerships
We buddy up with another class one afternoon a week to share our love of reading. This is one of our favourite times of the week!
We have enjoyed inviting our families in to read with us at school.
Choosing a book with my child…
Dear families,
We are thrilled to see so many children reading both in school and at home this year and have been promoting a love of reading at St. Anne’s this half term. We now have a very special “Netflix” inspired display in the corridors to help your children see recommended reads and pick out books and will be presenting special reading certificates in the final celebration assembly of each term.
However, we appreciate it can be difficult when choosing a book with your child at home, when visiting libraries or book shops, so I wanted to point you in the direction of Books for Topics. This website suggests books by age group, topic your child is interested in, lesson, season etc. It also suggests Book of the Month, new releases, Top-Notch Non-fiction and children’s magazines.
I hope this website can be useful to you when choosing books and stories to share with your children and that we can continue to build a community of curious and imaginative readers. We know that reading transpires directly into our writing too, developing our vocabulary and creativity and we are aiming to see a love of reading evident in the writing we produce together too.
Please let me know if there is anything else I can support you when reading together with your children.
Kind regards,
Miss Ames