Art & DT
Children at St. Anne’s love their Art and DT lessons! At our school, you can find:
A love of art across the school with children expressing how much they enjoy their art lessons
Children from Y1-6 having a sketchbook that progresses through the school years with them, evidencing progression
Each year group covering clear objectives
Children learning about a different artist each year with links across their other subjects
We offer after school club options of Art and Calligraphy to further encourage children to develop their creativity.

In Nursery, the children have been thinking about Bonfire night – fire work painting, printing and splatter art.
They also made sparklers, using straws and then children chose and snipped shiny paper for fire
They also had a go at junk modelling rockets children chose their own boxes and folded paper added shapes for windows.
The children have also been reading Owl babies and making their own, using forks to paint owls creating owls using collage and junk modelling.
In Reception this half term we have been doing lots of art and DT in our creative area. We have been making rockets to go to the moon in junk modelling. We worked really hard on our own versions of the painting ‘The Starry Night’ by Vincent van Gogh. We thought about the colours that we would use and how to move our brushes to make different marks.
We definitely have some budding artists in Reception!
Year 1 Objectives
What happens when we mix colours?
What are warm and cold colours?
What happens if we add more water?
What happens if we change the size of our brush?
Can I add simple annotations?
Year 1 Vocabulary
Drawing: thick, thin, soft, broad, narrow, fine, pattern, line, shape, detail, mirror image, nature, made environment.
Painting: primary (colour), light, dark, thick, thin, tone, warm, cold, shade e.g. different shades of red, green, blue, yellow, bright.
Printing: print, rubbing, smudge, image, reverse, shapes, surface, pressure, decoration, cloth.
Collage & Textiles: fabric, colour, pattern, shape, texture, glue, stick, scissors, sew, needle, felt, hessian, scraps, wool, yarn, thread, fur, tweed, silk, satin, net, weave.
Sculpture: model, cut, stick, fold, bend, attach, assemble, statue, stone, shell, wood, metal.
In Year 1, the children are creating their own toy bear using 2D shapes.
Year 2 Objectives
Freedom to explore a range of materials
What effect do pastels have? What effect does water paint have?
Can I make experimental marks?
What does tone mean? How can you use a pencil to achieve different tones?
How do we use shading? What is the effect?
What is shape? What is pattern?
Can I annotate and evaluate an artist’s work?
Year 2 Vocabulary
Drawing: Thick, Thin, Soft, Broad, Narrow, Fine, Pattern, Line, Shape, Detail, Nature, Made environment, Comparison, Still life.
Painting: Secondary (colour), Light, Dark, Thick, Thin, Tone, Warm, Cold, Shade e.g. different shades of red, green, blue, yellow, Bright, Pointillism, Colour wash.
Printing: Print, Rubbing, Smudge, Image, Reverse, Shapes, Surface, Pressure, Decoration, Cloth, Repeat, Rotate, Mon-print, Two-tone print.
Collage & Textiles: Fabric, Colour, Pattern, Shape, Texture, Glue, Stick, Scissors, Sew, Needle, Felt, Hessian, Scraps, Wool, Yarn, Mixed media, Collage, Appliqué, Layers, Combine, Opinion, Thread, Fur, Tweed, Silk, Satin, Net, Weave.
Sculpture: Sculpture, Structure, Assemble, Construct, Model, Fold, Bend, Attach, Statue, Stone, Metal, Curve, Form, Clay, Impress, Texture.
In Year 2, the children are exploring texture as an element of art.
Year 3 Objectives
Independently explore a range of media and plan their own artwork
Developing curiosity and creativity
Exploring finger paints and charcoal
Mark-making on different textures.
Which media works the best?
How do I use a straw to blow ink?
What is the effect of printing?
Testing different backgrounds and colours and making comparisons
Using staples, hole punchers and tying with various thread to document journeys in sketchbooks.
Adding meaningful annotations
Link to real career – artist study (examples: Da Vinci, Van Gogh, Barbara Hepworth sculptures
Year 3 Vocabulary
Drawing: Frame, Cartoon, Comic strip, Map, Position, Boundary, Label, Line, Symbol, Practical, Impractical, Change, Improve.
Painting: Abstract, Natural, Bold, Delicate, Detailed, Colour descriptors e.g. scarlet, crimson, emerald, eau de nil, turquoise, Watery, Intense, Strong, Opaque, Translucent, Wash, Tint, Shade, Background, Foreground, Middle ground.
Printing: Imprint, Impression, Mould, Mono print, Background, Marbling, Surface, Absorb, Stencil, Pounce, Negative image, Positive image.
Collage & Textiles: Tie and dye, Natural, Synthetic, Vat, Bunching, Dip, Soak, Resist, Threading, Stitching, Embroidery, Cross stitch, Running stitch, Stem stitch, Shrunken, Wool tops, Carding, Tease, Matting.
Sculpture: Viewpoint, Detail, Decoration, Natural, Form, Two-dimensional, Three-dimensional, Tiles, Brick, Slate, Wood, Stone, Metal, Texture, Bronze, Iron.
Year 4 Objectives
Continuing to build on independent exploring
Mark-making and drawing in the style of a chosen artist
What are the effects of hatching, cross-hatching, stippling and shading?
Can I annotate impact in detail?
Design project linked to Topic (Stone Age) Clay pottery and researching how to make vessels
Making marks to add texture to clay pots? Considering colour
Study on Keith Brymer Jones and evaluation of pottery.
Year 4 have been strengthening their skills in drawing and painting. What is a mosaic and how are they made?
Year 5 Objectives
Encouraging meaningful annotation
Completing an in-depth art study: Picasso, Emmin and Quinn
Conveying personal opinions on art work
Mixing different shades of colours, thinking about tint, tone and shade
Greek pottery unit on Grayson Perry, comparing to Brymer Jones from Y4 study
Year 5 Vocabulary
Drawing: Viewpoint, Distance, Direction, Angle, Perspective, Bird’s eye view, Alter, Modify, Interior, Exterior, Natural form, Vista, Panorama, Image, Subject, Portrait, Caricature, Expression, Personality.
Painting: Traditional, Representational, Imaginary, Modern, Abstract, Impressionist, Stippled, Splattered, Dabbed, Scraped, Dotted, Stroked, Textured, Flat, Layered, Opaque, Translucent, Intense.
Printing: Monotype, Printing plate, Inking up, Water-based, Oil-based, Overlap, Intaglio, Relief, Etching, Engraving, Indentation, Collograph, Pressure.
Collage & Textiles: Cloth, Fray, Taffeta, Organdie, Poplin, Tweed, Embellished, Manipulated, Embroidered, Warp, Weft, Replicate, Soft sculpture.
Sculpture: Realistic, Proportion, Surface texture, Balance, Scale, Relationship, Transform, Movement, Rhythm, Composition, Structure, Construct, Flexible, Pliable, Hollow, Solid, Surface, Plane, Angle, Slip, Attachment, Relief.
In Year 5, we are comparing and contrasting traditional and digital printing. The children are designing their own printing design which they are going to print with aluminium foil.
Year 6 Objectives
What is art? Having complete independence when expressing our artwork.
Using images to inspire story writing
Answering questions, gathering evidence, evaluations and writing opinions, similarities and differences.
Evolution and inheritance – exploring a range of media and techniques in sketchbooks. Drawing upon knowledge and skills from past 6 years.
Discover and rediscover, discuss preferences, chat with peers, advice from teachers and at home.
Year 6 Vocabulary
Drawing: Action, Balance, Direction, Dynamic, Imbalance, Movement, Poised, Transition, Viewpoint, Weight.
Painting: Still life, Traditional, Modern, Abstract, Imaginary, Natural, Made, Inanimate, Composition, Arrangement, Complimentary, Tonal, Shading.
Printing: Aesthetic, Pattern, Motif, Victorian, Islamic, Rotation, Reflection, Symmetrical, Repetition.
Collage & Textiles: Manipulation, Smocking, Ruching, Batik, Embellish, Accentuate, Enhance, Detract, Practicality, Aesthetic
Sculpture: Line, Shape, Pose, Position, Gesture, Repetition, Sequence, Dynamic, Flowing, Motion, Rhythm, Proportion, Balance
In Year 6, we have been exploring graffiti. We are making our own slogan to go on a trainer merchandise.